Utah Statewide Archaeological Society
Upcoming Events:
Below you will find a copy of an email from Elizabeth Hora, Utah Division of State History. I have also listed the link to the Stewardship web site.
Good afternoon everyone!
We still have some space left in our Returning Stewards "Training" and we were hoping you could send out invitation out to your members... who quite likely have been stewards before!
UCSS is recognizing other recent Utah-based Stewardship training (like the training Friends of Cedar Mesa conducted on behalf of the Utah BLM), so this Zoom session is more of a "get to know ya" workshop so that we can get returning stewards up to speed. We don't have the contact information of current stewards since that info is so decentralized, so we need returning stewards to find us!
Zoom Meeting
If you could help spread the word and the link above for registration, that would be a huge help!!
Elizabeth Hora MS, RPA
Public Archaeologist
Phone: (801) 245-7241
Email: ehora@utah.gov
See the NEWS link on the left for more information
Download the USAS Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws Updated
Old versions Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws
Brief History

USAS Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws Update
Old versions Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws
Utah is rich in archaeological heritage. From Danger Cave, one of the oldest habitation sites in North America, to a little studied contact point of Fremont and Anasazi cultures in Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument, opportunities abound for an exciting, challenging experience in prehistory.
The Utah Statewide Archaeological Society (USAS) is an organization conceived for the individual who is curious about or wants to learn more about archaeology and the state's prehistoric cultures. It is dedicated to the study and preservation of Utah's past.
USAS had its beginnings when Dr. Jesse Jennings organized the Statewide Archaeological Survey in 1951. Today we are a group of 300 individuals dedicated to learning about and preserving our heritage.
Objectives and Code of Ethics
General Purposes
Mission Statement: To share appreciation and understanding of the rich culture history of Utah and to engage the public in the protection and preservation of Utah's heritage resources.
- To sponsor and encourage the formation and development of chapters in the state of Utah, and by and through such means to preserve and protect the pre-historical heritage of Utah for the mutual benefit and enjoyment of all.
- To publish a periodic newsletter to the members, and an annual journal, the Utah Archaeology.
- To encourage the establishment of local museums.
Code of Ethics
- Respect prehistoric and historic archaeological remains and non-renewable resources reflecting our national heritage.
- Respect and support existing laws, policies and programs and encourage others to follow our example.
- Engage only in the projects that are consistent with my level of expertise and that have the consent of the officers of the local USAS chapter.
- Conduct fieldwork only with the consent of the landowner and all other tenants and lessees.
- Refrain from collection or excavating that does not produce an acceptable report advancing our knowledge of Utah culture and history.
- Respect the dignity and remains of human societies that have occupied Utah and the broader region in the past.
- Deposit all cultural remains from public lands in acceptable repositories. All cultural materials found on private land are the property of the landowner, but I will encourage the transfer of such materials to an acceptable repository.
- Produce acceptable reports on all recovered materials and projects. Such reports will be produced in a timely fashion and copies will be deposited in the Office of the State Archaeologist.
Activities & Benefits
The Utah Statewide Archaeological Society
Welcomes anyone, avocational or professional, who is interested in our objectives and agrees to abide by our code of ethics.
Activities and Benefits that are available:
Subscription to the quarterly newsletter
- Subscription to the annual publication of Utah Archaeology
- Opportunities to analyze and classify artifacts
- Annual Utah statewide conventions that includes educational opportunities, field trips and entertainment
- To become involved in site stewardship programs
Local chapters provide:
- Monthly meetings and presentations by archaeologists and anthropologists and involvement in local activities.
- Chapters and state membership concurrent.